Backup to encrypted 7zip file

Michael DeBusk mdebusk at
Sun Sep 14 18:57:00 EDT 2014

On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Chris Good <chris.good at> wrote:

> Here's a batch file I hope some Windows users may find useful.

As I already compress my data file, I just encrypt it with GNU Privacy
Guard, thusly:

gpg -c michael.gnucash

The -c option causes gpg to prompt for a password, and the file is
saved with a ".gpg" extension.

I do like the idea of putting all of this in a script, though.

One more thing. This surely doesn't matter anymore with today's
processor speeds, but back in the olden days, I learned that I could
speed up my batch files a little bit by replacing "REM" with "::" (two
colons.) I don't recall what the difference was -- something about the
OS not caring what a label's name was unless it was called, I think --
but it always seemed a little smoother to me, and the code was a bit
easier to read.

/\       * against proprietary attachments
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