GnuCash Error: Lock for file

Maf. King maf at
Tue Aug 4 10:36:42 EDT 2015

On Tue 4 August 15 06:56:49 life0riley wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,
> Section 2.6.3 of the online GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide explain the
> .LNK and .LCK files.  You are using GnuCash version 2.6.3.  You will need to
> go the to directory or folder where your .gnucash data file is stored and
> delete the .LNK and .LCK. files if they aren't deleted when you click "Open
> Anyway."  Then you will be able to open GnuCash without the warning
> message.


just for clarity, the lock files are deleted as GC exits, not when you click 
"open anyway" (well, they might be deleted and immediately re-created as the 
file opens)

the point is that the lock is intended to help prevent you about having 2 
instances of GC running and bad things are likely to happen....

If you are sure that GC isn't running twice, and the lock isn't being deleted 
on normal quit, then GC is crashing just before it quits and so the lock is 
left behind.

Don't know if an update to the latest version will cure the problem or not, 
but probably worth a try if GC continues with this crashing behaviour.

to the OP: you won't need to export your data before upgrading, as the updated 
GC will be fine just opening your existing file(s), but it would be sensible 
to take a backup of the main data file(s) before you do...


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