There was an unknown error while retrieving the price quotes

Erik Colson eco at
Wed Aug 12 04:54:56 EDT 2015

Colin Law <clanlaw at> writes:

> It may be that you have always had that error message, which is
> non-fatal, but some other problem (probably at the other end, or a
> connection issue) was causing the failure to receive the quotes, and
> gave rise to the Unknown Failure message.
> Whether you need to worry about the CA error or can just ignore it I don't know.

the error comes when issuing the required line:

  my $q = Finance::Quote->new;

This makes F::Q load _all_ available submodules. Loading errors are shown
but ignored.
So in this case, the error can be safely ignored if you don't need
Tiaacref quotes.

erik colson

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