Backup and recovery

Maf. King maf at
Sat Dec 19 13:37:46 EST 2015

On Sun 20 December 15 07:27:28 Alaric wrote:
> I do not use Gnucash for backups.  I back up my home directory which
> contains all data files including emails using a backup system based on
> rsync.  I have tried recovery from the backup on an external hard drive,
> from cds and from an old hard disk still installed in the computer.  If
> they work I have an empty file.  Mostly they return an error message
> that there is no suitable backend.  That is a Gnucash error message.
> I don't follow the comment about the filename.  When I set up the
> account I saved it with a filename like AWW15.  It has no suffix because
> that is the way Gnucash saved it.  My file manager records it as an
> archive file and the 'Properties' menu shows it as a gzip file.
> 	Because of my display problem on Linux I have installed a number of
> different distros and each time have recovered the accounts without any
> problems.  This is the first time there has been trouble.
> Alaric


I haven't really been following threads for the last week or so due to work 
and family commitments, but ISTR that the original problem was that the COA 
showed expected balances but the registers were not displaying any 
transactions (or sensible data)

To me that says that the problem isn't backup strategy, but a missing font or 
colour problem or some other output issue.

If I've missed something and I'm way off mark, then sorry for the noise, as I 
say I've been a bit distracted lately...


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