Reconciling splits.

Buddha Buck blaisepascal at
Fri Dec 25 12:04:09 EST 2015

My practice is to leave it unreconciled and uncleared. There isn't an
external account that you could reconcile it with. If the expense account
was tied to some external vendor whom I regularly did business with and
received statements from (like, say, a doctor, a landlord, an insurance
agency, etc) then I could see reconciling it.

It doesn't hurt anything to completely ignore the reconciliation feature;
it just means it's harder to catch errors between you and your bank.

On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 4:29 PM Joseph Hesse <joehesse at> wrote:

> I noticed that when I reconcile a transaction, the splits don't get
> reconciled. For example, in my checking account I have a transaction
> that represents a gift to a friend. The split transaction is
> Expenses:gifts and the gift does not get reconciled. I don't get a
> statement for my Expenses:gifts so how do I handle it? Do I just
> manually reconcile the split account?
> Thank you, Joe
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