It's true, my note to Santa

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Mon Dec 28 13:17:56 EST 2015

Sweet :)

I'm currently not aware of anyone actively working on a formal mobile gnucash app 

However it is something I am interested in and as one of the current developers I hope we will 
eventually be able to provide such an app based on the same code as the desktop application 
for maximum compatibility.

The current code won't allow this because it's not sufficiently portable. But I believe the current 
development goals will lower this bar by a significant amount: the code is being rewritten in 
C++ and boost, which are both very portable. That should become a good foundation to start 
the android app from. In addition, there are plans to seriously improve the sql backend code 
which would make it much more attractive to use gnucash together with a remote mysql 
database and by multiple users at the same time.

Personally I'm always keeping a future android version in mind when important code decisions 
have to be taken.

Having said all that, I agree with John that an android version based on the same code as the 
desktop application will be highly unlikely for the next year or two.



Steve <butterandsalt at> schreef op 28 december 2015 00:52:09 CET:
Santa hasn't gotten back to me, hoping that he and his elves are working onit.

As we approach 2016, I wish someone out there, publicly or secretly, isworking toward a 
functional mobile app running GnuCash.  The currentunofficial GnuCash app just doesn't deliver 
the true functional experienceto allow GnuCash to be incorporated as part of the daily moment 
to momentroutine.

I understand the difficulty, the challenge, the nature of open source, butboy, I sure would like to 
use my phone and post charges, see credits, andsee balances real time, without waiting till I 
get home and doing thedownload, upload dance...and the transition to mobile is noticeable, as 
mydesktop GnuCash application languishes but continues to beckon me...

Just wishin', Santa... I'll be back next year (and the year after!)...

--View this message in context:[1][2].



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