Chapter 8 - investment accounts

Jamestk davidjamestk at
Mon Feb 2 14:51:02 EST 2015

Interesting Mike, perhaps if it were promoted more generally as opposed to a capital gains feature it would appeal more.
I have checked the 'scrub account' feature across maybe 20 or so transactions in one account, spot on. Would it be worth while starting a new thread with a view to building a 'how to' on functionality?
Cheers, David

Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 18:51:41 -0800
From: ml-node+s1415818n4675615h46 at
To: davidjamestk at
Subject: Re: Chapter 8 - investment accounts

	--On February 1, 2015 at 9:54:00 AM -0800 John Ralls 

<[hidden email]> wrote:

> There *is* another way: Open the stock account and select

> Actions>View Lots... from the menu. Click "Scrub Account" on the

> bottom of the resulting dialog box. That will automatically create a

> separate capital gains transaction in the account. However, it has a

> few drawbacks:

> - the capital gains account is hard-coded to "Orphan Gains -- XXX"

> where XXX is the transaction currency in (I think) the sale

> transaction.


> - It only does FIFO which if there's  more than one purchase might

> result in a different basis and therefor a different gain than what

> your broker reports to the tax authorities.


> - It can get confused if you buy some stock, sell part of it, then

> buy more and sell all or part; the lot-allocation code isn't quite

> general enough to handle all possible variations on this.

I discovered recently that there is a way to get around some of these 

drawbacks.  If you open the View Lots window and expand the bottom pane 

(it seems to be shrunk to zero height by default) you'll get "Splits 

free" and "Splits in lot" areas with arrow buttons between them.  If 

you select a lot in the top half of the window you can then use the 

arrow buttons to move a sell split into that lot.  This seems to 

calculate capital gains as if that sale went against the lot selected. 

This seems to be a way to override the strict FIFO ordering of sales.

You can also change the income account split of the capital gains 

transaction from "Orphan Gains - XXX" to anything else after the fact. 

Not ideal, but it works.

This is all in the current GIT version of GnuCash, but I don't think 

any of this has been changed real recently.




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