Mac OS/X, Gnucash 2.6.5 get quotes very slow

sdrach drach at
Sun Feb 15 11:35:23 EST 2015

"correct" machine
- perl v5.18.2
- FQ 1.35
- GNC 2.6.4

"incorrect" machine
- perl v5.18.2
- FQ 1.37
- GNC 2.6.5

> Maybe you will want to update both to the most recent available,

Actually I should try to downgrade the "incorrect" machine  to FQ 1.35.  Or,
as you suggest, install exact same software on both, which I will try.

> a possible problem is that your new file doesn't use the same sources for
> quotes

The GNC database is the same for both, stored on Dropbox. I only have one
GNC open at a time.

I think I'll upgrade the correct machine, to remove that variable from the

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