Using percentage of cost as expense?

Michael Hendry hendry.michael at
Tue Feb 17 04:53:37 EST 2015

> On 17 Feb 2015, at 01:43, W Pawlowski <pawlowski.w at> wrote:
> I am one man show so I am using my personal car for business.
> Lets say that 90% of use is for business and 10% is for personal use.
> Is there a way in GnuCash to have the automotive expense account calculate
> the percentage automatically and assign 90% of what ever is entered into
> this account as expense or would I have to do it manually every time I
> enter my expenses?
> Thank you.

I don’t think so, but could I ask why you want to do this anyway?

At what point in your financial year is the proportion of your motoring expenses allocated to business relevant? Do you (for example) bill someone else on a monthly basis at a rate of 90% of the actual payments during that month? Or is it a matter of accounting for business and personal motoring expenses at the end of the tax year? Are you accounting only for consumables like fuel, oil and screen-wash, or are repairs included? What about a major expenditure like replacement of a clutch?


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