I am drowning in emails

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at mtdata.com
Tue Feb 24 08:37:00 EST 2015

> However, what is needed for GnuCash in my opinion, is two mailing lists:
> 1. One for accounting questions, that could be answered anywhere.
> 2. One for questions about GnuCash, assuming the user understands
>    accounting.
Unfortunately, not likely to be of help. The problem appears to be that 
many people simply aren't aware that they are asking an "accounting 
question" rather than a "gnucash question". For some reason that is 
unclear, too many people seem to think that a computerized accounting 
package means that they can do their bookkeeping without having to learn 
the fundamentals of accounting for their particular sort of entity. In 
other words, confusing "automation of process" with "computer figuring 
out the process for them" (reading their minds).

It's the "manual" vs "user guide" difference, how to use gnucash vs how 
to do accounting (whatever you are using).

Michael D Novack

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