Gnucash or Accounting Questions on this list

Mark Phillips mark at
Wed Feb 25 19:10:33 EST 2015


I totally agree. I feel we are part of a community helping each other,
whether the questions are right on target with GNUcash usage or have a
broader context. I prefer the one list and variety!


On Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Wm <wm+gnc at> wrote:

> Wed, 25 Feb 2015 11:42:35 <13199007.9EWGAvFU0Q at legolas.kobaltwit.lan>
> Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at>
>  On Tuesday 24 February 2015 17:03:57 Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
>>> > Acquiring the 'how to books' is still a good idea particularly if
>>> > the
>>> > text references this specific software.
>>> Maybe, but I can't picture what you might have in mind. Could you give
>>> us an example of an ACCOUNTING question where the answer would be
>>> different for gnucash as opposed to QuickBooks Pro or PeachTree or
>>> whatever? (or the old fashioned pen and ink on paper for that matter;
>>> or the slightly newer "spreadsheets with columns set as would be
>>> lines ruled  on old fashioned accounting paper*").
>>> I would think that to the extent that the text might be gnucash
>>> specific, that bit isn't an accounting question.
>> In my experience we don't get that many "pure" accounting questions on
>> the user list. some
>> may start out like one but most if not all of them end with a variation
>> of "and how do I model
>> this in gnucash" at which point it stops being a pure accounting question.
>  This is the "gnucash" user list after all. So every question is
>> interpreted with gnucash use in
>> mind.
> Personally I enjoy the variety of people from different countries and
> official accounting views each trying to do more or less the same thing:
> account for themselves, their family, their business, their co-op, their
> nonprofit ... something they're involved in and take an interest in ...
> using GnuCash.
> I think of GnuCash as personal accounting software because you get
> involved with it as a person rather than because of some limitation to
> personal finance.
> For me it is a strange love affair that extends to the people that use it
> and their sometimes baffling questions which sometimes need to be unpicked
> before an answer can be given.
> If I looked at each post and thought "is that an accounting question" I'd
> probably not have bothered beyond a month.
> Long may the variety last!
> --
> Wm...
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