Account Lock

John Ralls jralls at
Thu Feb 26 15:42:56 EST 2015

> On Feb 26, 2015, at 6:43 AM, Carl Wilson <victorspaw at> wrote:
> When opening GNUCash I record a message that said something to the effect of “could not find account unlock” and offered me the option of opening a read only, or open anyway. I selected open anyway.  
> Now when I try to download banking transactions it says there are no transactions for the time period.
> Whats going on? Any clues?

The first problem is caused either by GnuCash shutting down incorrectly or by having another GnuCash instance open on the data file. In the first case you will have done the right thing; in the second you risk disaster. Make sure that you have only the one instance of GnuCash running. If not, shut them both down and start over.

When you run the transaction download pay close attention to the dates: AQBanking may think that it has already downloaded all the transactions through today, and if you accept the default of downloading everything from the last time you ran it then it would be right. It keeps its own state separate from GnuCash, so a failed import will still change the last-download date.

John Ralls

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