Can I change the behavior of automatically creating an Imbalance-USD account?

David Carlson david.carlson.417 at
Sun Jan 4 11:02:07 EST 2015

On 1/4/2015 8:34 AM, Patrick Doyle wrote:
> I would much rather have gnc pop up an error message saying "You can't
> enter this transaction" than to have it silently create an account for
> me.
> Obviously, I've checked the preferences menus and don't see an option
> for that.  I wonder if there is a way to configure this
> under-the-hood.
> An alternative, and less preferred solution, would be for me to
> designate to which account imbalance transactions should be recorded.
> --wpd
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You are finding the quirks that GnuCash has mostly had for years which
arise from the double entry method of bookkeeping and the GnuCash
solutions to keep the books balanced.  In every case, I think that the
solutions have withstood the test of time, and represent one solution
that works for most users.  In some cases, they are not the same as the
solution that you may have become accustomed to when using a
non-double-entry software such as Quicken, and they must differ to work

That said, we welcome questions from new users, as it keeps us on our
toes when we need to give good answers.

David C

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