GnuCash Hangs when trying to print
wm+gnc at
Wed Jan 7 16:45:43 EST 2015
Wed, 7 Jan 2015 15:38:11
<1169054257.4635137.1420645091219.JavaMail.zimbra at>
mlyon18 at
>Running Windows 8.1 in desktop mode and using Wondershare PDF Editor as
>my default printer in Windows; when I try to print an invoice to PDF
>GnuCash hangs “not responding.” Shut down of the program and
>restart results in a pop-up warning that the program can’t lock onto
>the executable start file but let’s me open the program anyway. Any
>help getting GnuCash to print to PDF?
Are you printing to PDF rather than exporting ?
It is unlikely anyone will be using the exact same combination. I'd
suggest a different PDF printer as a follow on step to exporting as PDF
and then doing ordinary stuff with the PDF
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