Hyperkitty vs. Nabble (was: Launching forum website for GnuCash users)
Geert Janssens
geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Sun Jan 11 15:01:36 EST 2015
On Sunday 11 January 2015 11:25:22 John Ralls wrote:
> > On Jan 11, 2015, at 11:14 AM, Geert Janssens
> > <geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be> wrote: The combination of mailman 3
> > with hyperkitty [5] is something to look forward to: it's still a
> > mailing list at its core. Hyperkitty provides a forum-like
> > webinterface on top of it. Messages sent via e-mail (in the
> > traditional mailing list style) can be viewed on the forum. The
> > forum side is organized like any forum: the mails are ordered by
> > topic, you can search, reply to topics or start new threads. Each
> > message that's generated via the hyperkitty interface will be sent
> > as an e-mail to the respective mailing list.
> >
> > That should satisfy both people that prefer mailing list and those
> > that prefer fora.
> >
> > But as said, it's not released yet. So I'll have to be patient...
> Aside from avoiding Nabble’s annoying ads, what does Hyperkitty do
> that Nabble doesn’t?
I'm not involved in hyperkitty so I only know what I've seen from a demo video and some
And beating/replacing nabble is not why I got interested in hyperkitty. The forum is however a
nice additional feature of it which we could use as an answer to a frequent request without too
much effort.
Hyperkitty is primarily targeted to replace the completely outdated pipermail archive interface.
That's also how it first caught my attention.
Since namazu is no longer maintained we don't have our own search interface anymore to our
mailing list archives. We tell people to use google site search as a work around. However that
has always been just that: a work around. As I understood the ultimate goal is to provide our
own search interface again at some point.
So that's the first promise of hyperkitty: search capability in our mailing lists under our own
Next it offers these archives in a search engine friendly way. I think nabble does that as well,
but pipermail apparently doesn't.
These features in itself make it worthwhile for me to eventually migrate to mailman3/hyperkitty.
All the rest, like the forum interface is bonus.
Compared to nabble I suppose it mostly offers a modern web interface and a much tighter
integration into mailman.
But as I don't use nabble and hyperkitty is still under heavy development, it's hard to say how
they will stack up eventually.
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