Sx editor crash, (continuing saga)

Wm wm+gnc at
Tue Jan 13 13:31:21 EST 2015

Sun, 11 Jan 2015 15:18:03 
<7AAE0D9A-A891-4BA6-A970-11D05A3787BC at>  Peter Kiessling 
<pjkiess at>

Is there a way to get a printable report of all the SX’s and their 

Which backend are you using?

If it is XML the answer is probably "no, not easily" unless you have 
access to a natural, popular and broadly implemented XML query language. 
I think we'd have heard about it by now.

More hopefully, if it is one of the SQLs then ask more specifically and 
you'll get some help, I use SQLite and Postgres and might be able to 
translate MySql at a push, chances are someone else will pick it up if 
it is MySql specific.

 From where I am the query is simple, which bit are you having difficulty 


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