Receivables Aging Odd on Customer Report

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at
Tue Jan 20 06:45:29 EST 2015

On Tuesday 20 January 2015 15:52:21 Liz wrote:
> GnuCash 2.6.4
> Debian Jessie/ Sid
> This copy was built from rev 79bdcf1+ on 2014-11-15.
> Report 2 is "customer 1". I've edited the html to hide all identity
> and reprinted as pdf
> Report 0 and Report 1 are "customer 2"
> Taken from 2 different dates
> It doesn't matter from which date I set the report I still have the
> oddness - the totals are correct for the accounts.
> has anyone an explanation?
> Liz

I'm not using this report myself, so I'm unsure what the "oddness" is you see.

I will presume you refer to the aging totals not being 0 and current being different  from the 
value behind "Totals Due".

What I can imagine here is that some of your invoices lost their link with their payments.

You could test this by running
Business->Customer->Process Payment...
Select the given customer and verify if there are open documents and pre-payments.
If so you can link them together again in that same window by selecting both the invoice and 
its matching payments and then click ok.

Does this help ?


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