Unofficial GnuCash Forum

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Jan 23 07:55:58 EST 2015

On 23 January 2015 at 12:26, YeOldHinnerk <HRamthun at> wrote:
> Hi,
> well, I've used both and have to admit, I much prefer the forum. Why?
> - When I need help, I go to a well fitting forum and ask. I will receive
> notifications when someone answers, anyone who googles this issue finds my
> question -

You get all of those here, including google.  Try googling for
hi everyone I launched a forum gnucash

> and if everyone is ignoring my problem I'll notice even that, as
> I can see, how often the issue was even looked at
> - I get all the posts from the mailing list and they are immediately moved
> to their folder. Most of it is, from my very personal point of view, just
> noise. I don't like receiving mails about issues I don't care about. I
> understand that this is different for developers. Again, in a forum, I just
> casually ignore other threads.

One of the points about a community is that everyone tries to help
everyone else.  Are here just post a question, hope for an answer, and
ignore all the other posts, that possibly you could help with?


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