subsequent year

John Ralls jralls at
Fri Jan 23 23:11:43 EST 2015

> On Jan 23, 2015, at 1:22 PM, helendel <dlmrgnk at> wrote:
> How does one retain specially created accounts but zero out totals in order
> to go from one year to the next?
> Newbie Del

Tools>Close Book will create zeroing transfers from all of your expense and income accounts to equity. If you're sure you want to do this it's best done on a day for which you have no other transactions.

You could also create an entirely new file with Edit>Export Accounts, which will copy just your chart of accounts to a new file; you can manually type in the closing balances of your Asset, Liability, and Equity accounts for a fresh start.

We recommend that you do neither: You can run any report, including a Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss (a.k.a. Income Statement) for any time you like, so there's really no need to sweep previous year's income and expense unless you're really attached to seeing only this year's numbers on the Accounts page.

John Ralls

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