Not accumulating splits on invoices; recording individual line item dates in sales
wm+gnc at
Sun Jan 25 05:43:29 EST 2015
Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:01:31 < at>
jsp_1983 <jmsp.1983 at>
>I think I see.
>My understanding (and God knows I've no idea where to look for clarification
>in Human-readable format) is that the taxable 'instance' (in the UK) occurs
>when the work is considered to be done rather than when it is invoiced for,
It can be, take a look at
>but from what you're saying, it sounds like the general rule is that it's
>only the invoice date.
sort of, the problem is if there are jobs done on 2014-mar-20 and
2014-apr-20 and you put both on one invoice dated 2015-jan20 it gets
fiddly, keep it simple, EITHER invoice separately and ask for payment on
statement OR use the invoice date if you put them together on one
>If the latter is the case, I'm perfectly happy to keep it that way.
presuming you're not going to be charging interest for backdated late
payments and there isn't any complicated VAT input / output matching to
be done keep it simple by not mixing and matching, there be dragons
usual stuff re not qualified to give advice, worth what you paid for it,
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