50% split

vincent vincent.fortune at live.com
Sun Jan 25 19:55:32 EST 2015

Hi, new to Gnucash. I have what I hope is a simple question.. My Partner 
and I run a small business (tiny!)We have to file 3 returns, one for the 
partnership and one each for ourselves. So I've done the income/expense 
account for the partnership (our joint earnings and expenses) and its a 
50/50 split. I'm sure there must be a really simple way to divide 
everything in half and allocate half the income and half the expenses to an 
account in my name, and an account in her name - but I can't find a way, 
apart from going through and transferring 50% from the partnership to my 
account, and 50% from the partnership to her account - with every entry. 
There must be a way, right? Thanks in advance, and step by step if you 
could, I am unused to accounting in any case. 

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