trouble with date when importing a just exported csv file.

Larry Evans cppljevans at
Tue Jan 27 11:30:46 EST 2015

Using an account tree containing just a checking account and one stock
account for stock SHA1, I bought 1 share on 2015-01-01, then exported
the account transactions to a csv file.  I changed the date of the
buy in the .csv file toe 2015-02-01 and tried to import it.
I specifyied the date field and y-m-d, but when the import ran,
I got some error message about possibly the date field being wrong.
On import, I specified no quotes and @ and the separated.
The exported file is at bottom delimited by --{--- and --}---.

My OS is ubuntu 14.04 and my gnucash is 2.6.1.

How can I import these transactions?



Date at Account
Name at Number@Description at Notes@Memo at Category@Type at Action@Reconcile at To
With Sym at From With Sym at To Num. at From Num. at To Rate/Price at From Rate/Price
2015-02-01 at Checking Account@@buy 1@@@SHA1 at T@@N at -$100.00@@-100.00@@@
@@@@@@SHA1 at S@Buy at N@@1 SHA1@@1@@100
@@@@@@Checking Account at S@@N at -$100.00@@-100.00@@1.00@
2015-02-01 at SHA1@@buy 1@@@Checking Account at T@Buy at N@1 SHA1@@1@@@
@@@@@@SHA1 at S@Buy at N@1 SHA1@@1@@100@
@@@@@@Checking Account at S@@N@@-$100.00@@-100.00@@1.00

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