Deleting customers (editing customer on Invoice)

Mart mart at
Sun Jun 21 09:22:57 EDT 2015

>> Yes it will; you just clicked on the wrong button.  You clicked on "Edit
>> Customer", not the "Edit Invoice" toolbar button.  If you click on the

Good news (for me), you are correct :)

Select un-posted invoice,

Fom menu:
  Edit > Edit Invoice

and voilĂ !

I probably gave up many versions ago :)

On 21.06.2015 15:01, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, June 21, 2015 7:46 am, Mart wrote:
>> On 21.06.2015 13:22, Geert Janssens wrote:
>>> On Sunday 21 June 2015 07:53:39 Christoph Holtermann wrote:
>>>> Hello Geert,
>>>> This question is a bit old, but still moving me.
>>>> In gnucash I didn't find a way to change the owner of the invoice. If
>>>> I unpost the invoice I only have the possibility to change the owners
>>>> details but I couldn't find a way to change between owners. It's the
>>>> same for the number of the invoice. Using the python bindings I can
>>>> change both.
>>> You can do the same in gnucash. I agree the invoice window is misleading
>>> in this respect,
>>> because it lists the owner but no way to choose another one directly.
>> Owner? Do you mean Customer?
> Yes.  For a Customer Invoice the Owner is a Customer.  For a Vendor Bill
> the Owner is a Vendor.  We use the term "Owner" generically around here.
>>> Instead you have to choose "Edit invoice" or something similar (I'm not
>>> at a computer with
>>> gnucash installed right now). There is also a toolbar button for it.
>>> That will pop up the same window you saw when you created the invoice
>>> and will allow you
>>> to choose another owner.
>> No, it will not. It allows you to screw up your existing Customers name,
>> ID, address etc.  I have really hard time calling this "Changing a
>> customer on a invoice"
> Yes it will; you just clicked on the wrong button.  You clicked on "Edit
> Customer", not the "Edit Invoice" toolbar button.  If you click on the
> Edit Invoice button (I believe it may also be in the drop-down menu, but
> I'm also not near a running gnucash so can't check for you) it will pop up
> a dialog that looks just like the "New Invoice" dialog, but says "Edit
> Invoice".  This allows you to change the Invoice ID, Customer, Currency,
> and a bunch of other core pieces of the Invoice.
>> I have no idea how this will affect previous transactions with now
>> "updated" client. I am not going to test it :)
> If you actually edited the customer then it will affect all other invoices.
>>> Hth,
>>> Geert
>>>> regards,
>>>> Christoph
> -derek
>>>> Am 16.11.2014 um 18:34 schrieb Geert Janssens:
>>>>> On Sunday 16 November 2014 18:26:43 Christoph Holtermann wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> Am 15.11.2014 um 09:01 schrieb AC:
>>>>>>> I was playing around with the business parts of GC just to see
>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>> they did (no need for that particular part of the application,
>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>> curiosity). Is it possible to delete a customer from the
>>>>>>> database?
>>>>>>> There's no obvious interface to do so.
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>>>>>> That's a good question. I'd like to know that, too.
>>>>> I don't think this was ever implemented.
>>>>> I looked into deleting invoices once but eventually abandoned my
>>>>> effort. Without extreme precaution gnucash would crash each time.>
>>>>>> And I'd like to know how to decrement the new customer counter
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> accidentally it is about 4000 now.
>>>>>> Another question: Can I change the customer an invoice belongs to
>>>>>> ?
>>>>> Sure you can: unpost the invoice, edit the invoice, choose another
>>>>> customer, repost.
>>>>> There are some caveats though: the most straightforward one being
>>>>> that if you unpost a paid invoice it will become unpaid and the
>>>>> payment will be kept around as a pre-payment for the customer.
>>>>> After changing the invoice owner and reposting the payment will not
>>>>> be reassociated with the invoice. If the payment was meant for this
>>>>> new customer as well, you'll have to manually remove the old
>>>>> payment (and probably the accompanying lot link transaction if it
>>>>> exists) and redo the payment.
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Twitter: @BruuLog
Mart +372 5 101 979

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