Sort transactions by date within a day

GT-I9070 H gti9070h at
Mon Jun 22 01:22:54 EDT 2015

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your attention!

The vast majority of my transactions are written in GNUCash Android and
imported into GNUCash Desktop. In GNUAndroid transactions are sorted by
date and time. I write when I realize that, so I have my updated balance
and know in advance when I need to perform a new withdrawal without
counting my money which is not always all in my wallet. That to me is
important because I know how much foreign currency I have available and for
me, a withdrawal is an exchange.

When I import these transactions for GNUDesktop they change order within a
day and sometimes appear negative balances which does not reflect reality.
This is because within a day it may happen that the withdrawal be after
expenses which in reality I first made the withdrawal and after expenses.

Best Regards

2015-06-21 16:42 GMT-04:00 Mike or Penny Novack <mpnovack at>:

> On 6/20/2015 5:29 PM, GT-I9070 H wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there any way to sort transactions by date within a day ???
>> eg Sort them randomly by user choice or by hour, it would be possible ???
>> GTI
> You might want to think about and then explain to us what you mean by
> "time of transaction" (within date).
> This is the time (in that date) when the transaction took place?
> This is the time of day when you entered the transaction? (possibly not
> the date the transaction took place)
> For example, I often sit down with my checkbook and a number of bills to
> pay. I cut the checks, stuff them in the envelopes, stick stamps on, and
> mail them (make "constructive delivery"). Possibly that same day, possibly
> on some other day, I sit at the terminal and enter these into the books.
> Conceivably not in the same order I wrote them (gnucash will put into check
> number within date).
> But I don't associate any TIME OF DAY with these.
> Please, I am NOT meaning to suggest that you might not have some
> transactions (say credit card transactions) that are supplied to you with a
> time stamp. I am just saying that in general, transactions don't have "time
> of day" and this would be truly meaningless for certain kinds of
> transactions (for example, your end of year "depreciation" adjustments
> could be done in ANY order)
> Michael
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