How are the budget totals calculated

John Haiducek jhaiduce at
Mon Mar 2 13:13:26 EST 2015

On 03/02/2015 01:01 PM, David Carlson wrote:
> On 3/2/2015 5:27 AM, David wrote:
>> I just made three new budgets yesterday and noticed a few things that
>> affected the totals on the bottom.
>> 1.  If I had a sub account such as Auto : Maintenance in the expenses and
>> inadvertently placed the amount in the parent column, et Auto instead of
>> maintenance, it did not matter what I did to correct it, the total expense
>> line would not change by that amount.  Had to start with a fresh blank
>> budget.
>> 2. The same for transfers.
>> 3. I was shocked by the fact I had to place a negative number in the
>> Liability column.  Say if I budgeted $50 for my Gas card I had to enter it
>> as -50, same with the Mortgage principal payment.
>> If you put a figure into the parent account, it does not matter what you put
>> in any child account, the only thing that makes it to the totoal line is
>> what you put into the parent account.  You can tell visually by the text
>> being dark if directly entered into the parent and light if it is a sum of
>> the child accounts.
>> I kept after it until the my total line was equal to my spreadsheet program
>> that I used to fill in the budget in GC.
>> The Total line at bottom is calculated Income - Expenses - Transfers.
>> <>
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> Regarding items 1 and 2, which are the gist of David's comment, I agree
> that if one uses the delete key, for example, to remove any value from a
> parent account, then the child account amounts should re-appear, or even
> better, all parent amounts should always be the sum of whatever is in
> the child accounts and the parent account.

I am able to re-set fields using the delete key as you describe, 
although it would be more intuitive if this could be done by some other 
means, such as a toolbar button or by right-clicking on the field.

However, in my case even re-setting the fields does not result in 
correct totals at the bottom of the budget editor screen. If I leave the 
budget values for the top-level Expenses account unset, it correctly 
displays the totals for the child accounts, but the totals at the bottom 
of the screen show up as zeros. Even if I set explicit values for the 
top-level Expenses account, these values do not appear in the totals at 
the bottom.


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