gnucash and gnome keyring

Stuart McGraw smcg4191 at
Mon Mar 23 02:05:45 EDT 2015

I recently installed a new Fedora-21 system with Gnucash
installed from Fedora's yum repository.

Frequently when I start Gnucash, I get prompted to enter
a password for my keyring.  I would like to stop that.
I don't use the keyring program at at all.  (And I'm not
sure what the point of a password on the application is
when the data is unencrypted and easily accessible but
it seems someone thought it was a good idea...)

Any idea how I turn the thing off?

Besides the annoyance factor, I've been unable to get
stock price updates via a cron job to work and wonder if
the password business has something to do with it -- it
was working fine on my old system.

Apologies if this is wrong place to ask.  I tried the
Fedora list and got no response then saw something in Google
that suggested the code for doing this keyring business
might be in Gnucash and not some kind of Fedora packaging

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