"Edit Scheduled Transaction" seizing up

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Tue May 12 07:20:53 EDT 2015


In the "Template Transaction" tab of the "Edit Scheduled Transaction"
dialog, if I (out of habit) hit Ctrl-PageDn to finish it off, the
GnuCash GUI locks up --- the windows can still be dragged around, but
I can get anything to "work", including saving the file!  The %CPU for
gnucash in top also goes up to 99 to 100%.  I've tried letting it sit
& churn for up to 10 minutes but have always ended up having to kill
gnucash & re-enter data.

Any ideas?  I tried googling for this problem & didn't see any bug
reports like it.

BTW, apart from this bug, I really like the Ctrl-PageDn keybinding in
the registers.


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