Finance::Quote Load Times

David Bergum dib at
Sun Oct 11 12:01:41 EDT 2015

> On Oct 9, 2015, at 15:53, John Ralls <jralls at> wrote:
> The first thing would be to make sure that it’s really having trouble finding F::Q. Take a look at the trace file ( and see if there’ really a 90-second gap in the timestamps before the 
> “Found Finance::Quote” message. GnuCash runs with the —debug flag on Macs, so the file will be pretty verbose, if there’s really a delay that should show it.

Here is the gap that I see:

* 09:43:04 MESSG <gnc.bin> loading stylesheets
* 09:43:47 MESSG <gnc.scm> Found Finance::Quote version 1.38

I had perl installed via macports and in the process of upgrading to El Capitan yesterday, I removed Macports completely and get the same results.  I reinstalled Macports — to get xemacs — and still the same thing.  Installing Macports xemacs carries a perl dependency, so there is another version of perl in /opt/local.

>perl -e 'print join('\n', @INC), "\n;";'

David Bergum				<dib at>
  				 	218-365-0887 LandLine
1282 Wander Rd				218-206-2133 Skype
Isabella, MN  55607			612-723-7135 Mobile

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