Finance::Quote Load Times

David Bergum dib at
Sun Oct 11 14:27:02 EDT 2015

> On Oct 11, 2015, at 11:44, Erik Colson <eco at> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Can you try this on your command prompt ?
> time perl -M"Finance::Quote" -e 'print"finished\n"'
> On my system this runs in 0m0.055s.

I lost my draft!  I have Macports in my $path.  When I run the above, is not found.

So I edited my .login and .tcshrc to remove /opt/local dirs from my path and relogged, but Gnucash still delays a long time, though the above runs quickly:

dib at dib-MacbookPro:/Applications/Gnucash 2.6.9/Gnucash                                >time perl -M"Finance::Quote" -e 'print"finished\n"'
0.038u 0.016s 0:00.06 66.6%	0+0k 11+0io 8pf+0w

I'm going to not add Macports to my env on login and just add it when i want to run xemacs, which is the only reason I have it! 

> and following command will tell you where perl did find Finance::Quote
> after loading it. You might want to modify your PERL5LIB environment
> variable to make this path checked ASAP.
> perl -M"Finance::Quote" -e 'print $INC{"Finance/"}'

dib at dib-MacbookPro:~/                                                                                                   >perl -M"Finance::Quote" -e 'print $INC{"Finance/"}'

I'm going to reboot and check again…

Well, I'll reply as El Cap email doesn't seem to save drafts anymore!!???

David Bergum				<dib at>
  				 	218-365-0887 LandLine
1282 Wander Rd				218-206-2133 Skype
Isabella, MN  55607			612-723-7135 Mobile

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