Cost Basis (manual compute question)

John Ralls jralls at
Tue Oct 13 16:47:34 EDT 2015

> On Oct 13, 2015, at 1:06 PM, Gus Gustafson <rakishadonis at> wrote:
> I have sold some shares of an equity, but not all. I want to manually verify that I have entered transactions in a way that allows GnuCash to report a correct Basis on the remaining shares. Can anyone confirm my understanding is correct?:
> Basis (of remaining shares after a sale) = Money In + Income + Commissions - Money Out + Realized Gain

Yeah, except for income unless it’s a security that pays “Return of Capital” instead of interest or dividends. If it is then that reduces rather than increases the basis. Interest and dividends have no affect on basis.

John Ralls

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