Backup Issue

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Oct 24 16:32:38 EDT 2015

On 24 October 2015 at 20:50, James Fuller <James at> wrote:
> I am running Gnucash for myself on my desktop.  I agreed to become my
> automobile club treasurer and computerize their accounting with Gnucash.  I
> am about to decide that I should have just shot myself. I set up Gnucash and
> got all of the files up to date from the manual system.   I got on the
> internet to download Mozilla firefox using the IE that was installed with
> windows. I instantly picked up some kind of virus which caused me all kind
> of problems.  as far as I can tell Gnucash was not affected.  I copied all
> of the Gnucash files from c:/programs,
> copied the shortcut, and the 2.6.9 setup files to a thumb drive. Then I
> reinstalled Win7 and have a clean disk.

The first question is whether you backed up your accounts file.  The
first time you clicked Save it would have allowed you to browse to an
appropriate folder and save it.  You also had the opportunity to set
the name, probably something like accounts.gnucash.  That is the only
file that you really needed to copy.  It sounds, unfortunately, as if
you did not save that.  Or perhaps you did but have not realised that
you have to put it back in an appropriate place and then open it from

It is exactly the same as if you used Microsoft Word to write a letter
and then saved it.  It is the .doc file that you have to backup, not
MS Word itself.

> I reinstalled Gnucash 2.6.9 and replaced the Gnucash progam and the shortcut
> files from the thumb drive.  When I attempt to open Gnucash using the old
> files I get a message that
> Libgncmod-App-Utils.dall is missing.  It isn't, it is in the bin file where
> it should be.   If I attempt to open with the program files created with the
> new install it opens up but of course
> i am missing my old files.  After messing with it for a couple of days I
> decided that I would give up and re-enter the information from the paperwork
> again.  Grrr.  two days of keying again.
> I opened the program and keyed in the chart of accounts again.  when I tried
> to save my work the save button didn't seem to work right. I went into
> edit-preferences and made sure that if I tried to close the program that I
> would be warned to save it, thinking that if it didn't work I would buy some
> time to fix the problem.  I went to file and found that the close button was
> greyed out and wouldn't work.  After fooling with that issue for a while I
> found that the save button was greyed out as well.  The Save As button is
> there but I wasn't bright enough to use it.  I finally hit the quit button.
> when I re-opened Gnucash I had lost the keying again.
> can anyone offer any suggestions?

Possibly you were trying to save it to a non-existent or folder for
which you do not have permission to write, though I don't know whether
that would give exactly that symptom in Windows.


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