Basic information screen
Jill Terry
jill at
Tue Oct 27 01:28:47 EDT 2015
GnuCash can be used basically for keeping track of your money. It just
sounds that you may not have the expense accounts set up correctly.
Are you using the same expense accounts (your drop down list -
food;groceries or clothing or wages) for both your UK and NZ bank
accounts? If you are then that is your problem.
If these accounts are set up for GBP and you then try to enter NZ
currency into them it will ask you for exchange rate OR to enter what
the amount is in that currency. It has to. If you consider
transferring money from your UK bank account to your NZ bank account the
amount will not be the same, ie 200 in UK won't be 200 in NZ. It's the
same with your expense accounts. You can't mix currencies because the
final figures would then be incorrect.
The best way to set it up is to have TWO expense accounts for food,
clothing, etc. One in UK currency and the other in NZ. I name mine
Food UK and Food Euro.
Does that help you? Do you need help with your expense accounts
On 26/10/2015 19:28, Curlyfoo wrote:
> Hi Geert. I suspect I'm not using Gnucash in the way it was
> intended. I just need a very basic money program so I can keep track
> of our spending & allows me to reconcile my NZ & UK bank accounts. UK
> account I put date then skip 'num' unless a cheque, then shop or
> supermarket or wages etc in description. In transfer I choose from
> drop down list food;groceries or clothing or wages, then in deposit I
> put sterling amount if a deposit eg wages or pension or if a bill
> this goes in withdrawal column. I then have a balance & push enter.
> This is when I get the basic info screen.
> In my NZ account : date. Description eg NZ super, retirement income;
> pension, NZ $ 111.11in deposit, skip withdrawal, shows balance, enter.
> If it's an AP transaction I go through same process but value goes in
> withdrawal column.
> Thanks for taking the time to help me 😊
>> On 26/10/2015, at 6:47 PM, Geert Janssens
>> <geert.gnucash at> wrote:
>> On Monday 26 October 2015 17:36:43 Curlyfoo wrote:
>>> Thanks John. I am now officially overloaded with geek speak 😳😨 meant
>>> in the nicest possible way. I think I will just have to live with it
>>> 😊. I suspect this forum is not for us beginners. Thanks for trying.
>> Ok, let's try another approach:
>> You say your GBP account only has £'s in and £'s out. That doesn't
>> make sense in GnuCash. When £'s leave your GBP account, they are
>> transferred to another account (one of your expense accounts no
>> doubt). That's the basis of double entry accounting gnucash is built
>> upon.
>> So that other account, where you "send" the £'s to (the one you
>> enter in the transfer column in the GBP account register), in what
>> currency is that denominated ? Is that also in £ or is that in NZ $ ?
>> If the latter, gnucash will have to ask you for an exchange rate.
>> Regards,
>> Geert
>>>> On 26/10/2015, at 2:14 PM, John Ralls <jralls at> wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 26, 2015, at 1:34 AM, Curlyfoo <curlyfoo at> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for your help, John. I don't need Gnucash to do any
>>>>> conversions as this account only has £s in and £s out. No foreign
>>>>> currency is used. I may try changing the base currency which is
>>>>> set as NZ $ to sterling when in UK and reverting to NZ $ when in
>>>>> New Zealand. Would that work? Thanks
>>>> Please remember to copy the list on all replies.
>>>> You can’t change the base currency, you can only change the default
>>>> currency and that only operates when you’re creating a new account:
>>>> The account editor presents it as the default currency, which as
>>>> you know you can override. Neither should have an affect on what
>>>> the transaction commodity is, and that along with the split
>>>> commodity (derived from the account the split affects) is what
>>>> determines whether an exchange rate is required.
>>>> Accounts don’t have £s in and £s out. Accounts have a commodity (of
>>>> which currency is a special type). Do you think that you’re getting
>>>> the Transfer Dialog when you’re creating transactions solely
>>>> between two GBP accounts?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> John Ralls
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