Check Register

nvsoar nvsoar at
Thu Oct 29 23:27:10 EDT 2015

On 10/29/2015 1931, James Fuller wrote:
> Hi,
> If I open my Bank Checking Account I get what amounts to a checkbook 
> register.  I would like to print the register as it shows up on my 
> screen.
> Is that possible?
> Thanks,
> James Fuller

FWIW - Sure - Use a screen capture tool.

In windows there is snipping tool, a similar tool in linux systems, and 
a PrtScn key on your keyboard (shift+PrtScn).

All of these produce an image of your screen or a portion of your screen 
depending on the tool chosen.  The image using the PrtScn tool goes to 
the clipboard awaiting a paste from there. The other tools provide a 
save to option.  Then image can be opened and hard copy printed from an 
image handling program.

Depending what needs to be accomplished, it may be a better option to 
look at the reports in gnucash, which I understand can be manipulated in 
an office program.


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