Help! Gnucash is blank!

Mike or Penny Novack mpnovack at
Thu Dec 15 10:30:34 EST 2016

On 12/14/2016 9:23 PM, Jenny wrote:
> Hi- I have a small business and have been using gnu cash to keep track of business expenses and income for the past 2 years and never had a problem. I went to open up the program and it is empty. All my data is gone. Please let me know there is something I can do. Even things I had saved that I entered in the past appears to be gone. I am not tech savy so hoping that I am just missing a simple step, but worried as this has never happened before.
> I look forward to any guidance or help you may provide. Thank you very much for your time.
> Thank you,
> Jenny
What do you mean by "data is gone"? You aren't seeing anything when you 
bring up gnucash? Or you are seeing your normal account tree but amounts 
are all zero? Or something else?

Do you know the name of the file? (the file that your set of books was 
saved as). You say that you have been using this for a business so you 
SHOULD have been making periodic backups of this file << just like you 
back up all your other data on your computer -- you DO do backups, don't 
you? >>

Your data is NOT "in the program", never was. W hen you started gnucash, 
it was opening the file in which your data was stored.


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