Advanced Portfolio Income (maybe Brokerage Fees too) incorrect in switch and multiple investments transactions

Alberto Dante alberto.dante at
Tue Dec 20 05:52:54 EST 2016

In this case Advanced Portfolio income column charges 16,00 Euro both to 
FUND 3 and FUND 4; total fee = 32,00 Euro.

On 20/12/2016 11:45, Alberto Dante wrote:
> First of all, note that I've put all my investment operations (fee, 
> capital gain, dividend, ...) into Income accounts 
> (Income:Finance:...), so I can have the net finance balance directly, 
> and I can compare different types of Income (Job, Finance, ...) in a 
> glance.
> Simply, my account tree is something like that:
> Assets
>         Current Assets
>                 Cash
>                 Checking
>                         Bank ABC
>         Investment
>                 Broker DEF
>                         Mutual Fund
>                                 FUND 1
>                                 FUND 2
>                                 FUND 3
>                                 FUND 4
> Income
>         Job
>                 ........
>         Finance
>                 Investment
>                         Broker DEF
>                                 Mutual Fund
>                                         FUND 1
>                                                 Capital gain
>                                                 Dividend
>                                                 Fee / Commission
>                                         FUND 2
>                                                 ......
>                                         FUND 3
>                                                 ......
>                                         FUND 4
>                                                 ......
> Therefore, in Advanced Portfolio report I have not-zero values only in 
> Income column, while Brokerage Fees column has all zero values.
> So I couldn't check Brokerage Fees column values in Advanced 
> Portfolio, but I think it would be affected by the same problem.
> I've found two situations causes incorrect Income column values in 
> Advanced Portfolio Report:
> 1) Switch Investments
> When switching e.g. from FUND 1 (sell) to FUND 2 (buy) (without 
> involving Bank ABC account), generally you have to pay fees (e.g. 5,00 
> Euro) charged to FUND 2, while FUND 1 doesn't have any fee (sell is 
> for free); total fee = 5,00 Euro.
> In this case Advanced Portfolio income column charges 5,00 Euro both 
> to FUND 1 and FUND 2; total fee = 10,00 Euro.
> 2) Multiple Investments
> With just one operation (one transfer from Bank ABC account) you buy 
> two funds FUND 3 and FUND 4, paying 8,00 Euro fee each; total fee = 
> 16,00 Euro.
> In this case Advanced Portfolio income column charges 16,00 Euro both 
> to FUND 1 and FUND 2; total fee = 32,00 Euro.
> Please note that all totals in account tree (mainly 
> Income:Finance:...) are always correct; other column values in 
> Advanced Portfolio report seems to be correct too.
> Moreover:
> - Basis column how is calculated (when, after multiple buy operations, 
> you have a total sell and a new buy again)? Does Advanced Portfolio 
> recognize the total sell before the last buy?
> - I calculate capital gain manually; how is it possible to find it 
> automatically? Realized gain column does it already or uses my 
> manually calculated values?
> Thanks, Alberto

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