Difficulty reporting split transactions filtered by description?

Greg Skelhorn gskelhorn at eastlink.ca
Thu Jan 28 21:47:42 EST 2016

On 16/01/28 12:31, Greg Skelhorn <gskelhorn at eastlink.ca> wrote:

> I thought the Transaction Report might help but it doesn't seem to work as I thought. With the sorting primary key set to Account Name and the secondary key set to Description the transactions I am interested are displayed and sorted but there is only one total for each account. The toggle for the secondary subtotal total looks like it in "on" but is disabled. Is there a way to enable the secondary subtotals?
> Thanks,
> Greg

I found a bug report from 2010 related to sorting and grouping so I guess this approach will not work for me. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=626385 
Still, I must be missing something obvious since I can't imagine creating separate accounts for each employee.


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