Unable to create new Namespace in Price Editor

Wm tcnw81 at tarrcity.demon.co.uk
Sat Jun 11 10:14:42 EDT 2016

On Sat, 11 Jun 2016 00:04:26 +0000, in gmane.comp.gnome.apps.gnucash.user,
Jonathan Wells <jon.wells at yakka.ca> wrote:

> I noticed the XXX currency, and that would work OK - just that XXX is 
> not very descriptive.

I tend to look at the account name and concern myself with the transactions
once I've done the thinking about creating the accounts (more below)

> I agree that miles are not an actual asset, liability or expense.

Heh, but they can be used that way with thought (see below)

> As 
> such you are correct that GNU is not necessarily well suited to 
> recording the actual miles, but only the *value* of those miles, which 
> is the 0.55c per mile.
> This is a just thinking about it project  - just trying to avoid keeping 
> the mileage on a separate sheet somewhere.  An auditor might require a 
> record of actual miles claimed.

An excellent response.  How about a bit of open thinking, this may be of
interest to people who think accounting is a boring chore too.

Create a test book and in that create an Equity account called
MilesOnClock, currency XXX.

Make a transaction recording the mileage on the clock of your vehicle on a
date in the past to *either* an Asset or Liability a/c (it doesn't matter
which for now) called MilesBalSheetAC, also currency XXX.

make a transaction a week later recording the mileage on the clock to
*either* an Expense or Income account (doesn't matter which), the balance
sheet account will have an amount of N miles denominated as an amount of

While we are at it, you can, I think, have lots of different amounts of XXX
unlike actual currencies, i.e. any amount of XXX only becomes real when it
enters the world of money as understood by most people

The Asset or Liability of XXX (in our example miles) is then made real by a
transaction into real world money by you making it an expense or income or
a transfer to another asset (bank or cash) or liability (credit card or
filling station account).

If the dreadful Donald Trump of the future comes and looks at your accounts
you can show him that your expenses or income were based on actual miles,
perfect world, you get self-contained recording, I get to say bad stuff
about the idiot Trump.

If anyone comes across this after the date please consider it as a thought
exercise rather than a general set of instructions ... except for the bit
about Donald Trump.


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