OFX Connection Troubles with Fifth Third

Gary Holtum diamondhranchqh at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 18 20:12:15 EDT 2016

Why don't you keep politics out of your "witty" responses? 

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user
[mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+diamondhranchqh=earthlink.net at gnucash.org] On
Behalf Of Wm
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2016 5:28 AM
To: gnucash-user at lists.gnucash.org
Subject: Re: OFX Connection Troubles with Fifth Third

On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 03:21:43 -0700 (PDT), in
gmane.comp.gnome.apps.gnucash.user, Nebabon <nebabon at gmail.com> wrote:

> So basically, what I am hearing is to either keep using Quicken & 
> QuickBooks or switch banks (or move countries).

Not quite.  Most modern governments expect you to keep accurate accounts and
report on them once a year or so.  If you're in the USA you're fucked as
Trump is one of your options as leader and you've no idea what he is going
to do, yuk!

Most people think reporting once a year and paying a reasonable amount for
the running of the country, etc is is a fair deal and moan when others don't
play nice.

Using GnuCash allows you financial independence, you get control back from
people like Trump which is where people like Quicken and Quickbooks and
banks that are friendly to them get their leverage over you from.

got to love an election when one of them is a child

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