How can I input opening balance on GNUCash mobile on Android?
ameniutaeba1978 at
Mon Mar 21 18:16:22 EDT 2016
Hi all,
Many thanks for your replies.
Now I've started GNUCash on daily basis with my Android, though I have
much studying about Accounting:-)
Thanks anyway
2016-03-22 1:48 GMT+09:00, Adrien Monteleone [via GnuCash]
<ml-node+s1415818n4683941h1 at>:
> Akihiro,
> 'Equity' can refer to stocks or shares as well.
> If you were dealing with books for a business, the clearer term for this
> would be "Owner's Equity." This would most likely be in the form of stocks
> or shares of the company. (Though it can take other forms)
> Since you are dealing with books for an individual, the equity or share of
> ownership in the assets belongs to you. There is no separation between
> entities because there is only one—you.
> Since you are the one who had those assets when starting GnuCash, the proper
> way to balance the increase in assets in the GnuCash records is to list them
> as Equity::Opening Balances.
> Remember, the general accounting equation is:
> Assets = Liabilities + Equity
> If you increase an asset, you have to increase either Liabilities or Equity
> for the equation to remain true and in balance.
> Since you own those assets, such as cash for example, you reflect that as
> your equity. (you wouldn't use Liability because then you would be claiming
> you owe that asset to yourself, which doesn't make sense)
> You were on the right track already in your understanding of Equity. The
> nuance is in the fact that you are creating books for yourself, not a
> separate company you own.
> Regards,
> Adrien
> On Mar 20, 2016, at 10:07 AM, gnucash-user-request at wrote:
>> From: 森口晃宏 <ameniutaeba1978 at>
>> Date: March 19, 2016 10:06:14 PM CDT
>> To: John Ralls <jralls at>
>> Cc: gnucash-user at
>> Subject: Re: How can I input opening balance on GNUCash mobile on
>> Android?
>> 2016-03-20 11:49 GMT+09:00, John Ralls <jralls at>:
>>>> On Mar 19, 2016, at 6:05 AM, Akihiro <ameniutaeba1978 at> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,I'm Japanese. So if I you don't understand my English, please
>>>> let
>>>> me
>>>> know to correct my English and solve my problem.I'm quite new to both
>>>> ledger
>>>> entry and GNUCash.After getting accustomed to another book keeping app
>>>> on
>>>> Android to keep my daily money transferring,Now I'm trying to change to
>>>> GNUCash.I followed instructions here, above around Figure D.
>>>> <>
>>>> But I think the instruction for inputting opening balances don't work.I
>>>> also
>>>> tried to export data with opening balance from GNUCash on mac into
>>>> Android,
>>>> but don't know how to import on Android side.If there are anybody use
>>>> GNUCash mobile on Android, please tell me how to input opening balance
>>>> on
>>>> it.Any comment will be appreciated and thanks in advance.Akihiro
>>> Akihiro,
>>> Your English is fine.
>>> You might find it useful to read our Tutorial and Concepts Guide at
>>> There's even a Japanese translation,
>>> and
>>> while it's a bit out of date most of it is still valid.
>>> Instructions for importing your data into the Android app are at
>>> Ngewi provides support for GnuCash for Android at
>>> Regards,
>>> John Ralls
>> Hi John,
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Now I found my misunderstanding on "Equity" which means "Property" or
>> "Assets", not "Stock" or "Share" I had thought.
>> Now I can input Opening Balances of my Current Assets with
>> "Equity:Opening Balances".
>> Accounting English is different from my English understanding, but fun
>> :-)
>> Thank you.
>> Akihiro
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