New user transitioning from Quicken

Liz edodd at
Sun May 1 20:59:36 EDT 2016

On Sun, 1 May 2016 11:33:52 -0700
"Leo K. SIMON" <leosimon at> wrote:

   I imagine *every* serious
> Quicken user would have the same issues, but there's suprisingly
> little web discussion of these.
>             1)  critical issue: quicken tags
>                        If I
> can't make this change in the QIF file, is there a way to access the
> tag information and batch-convert it once I'm in gnucash?
>              2) Minor issue:  memo fields.     I can see these if I
> choose the Double line option from the View menu, but it would be
> *so, so* much better if they were visible within a single line
> format.   Since 80% of my single lines are blank space, there's
> plenty of room.  Are there plans to add this functionality?

I left Quicken many years ago, and there is no going back for me. So
issues about tags and categories and memos are now about 15 years ago,
buried in the accounts somewhere.

That's why we are not so interested in the improvement of the import -
once done, that's it.

There are very good reasons behind the alternate suggestions of using
both programs in parallel and not doing a convert, then dropping the
one you don't want at the end of a financial reporting period.

You can set every account to open double-line, if that's what you want.
I certainly don't have an interest in memo fields open in single line -
it would overcrowd the interface - for the way *I* am using it.

We often get new users concerned about the change from Quick* whatever.
If just one or two of them would contribute to the code for the import,
it would improve.


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