help: Error file lockec?

Mike or Penny Novack mpnovack at
Mon May 2 08:03:50 EDT 2016

On 5/1/2016 10:52 PM, Chris Tsuji wrote:
> I tried that, but was not able to save
> chris
OK, then we need more information from you (your problem is one of the 
different situations)

a) What operating system are you using?

b) WHERE did you decide to put your gnucash file (the file that is your 
books). In other words, into what directory (file folder) did you choose 
to save it the first time? We need to check that you have write 
permission to that directory.

c) Tell us how you installed gnucash and when did you open it the first 
time (while in the same session?)

d) One thing you might try to do in the meantime. FIND the lock file 
(use the "find file" tool of your OS looking for files ending with 
extension .lck  ------ you should have "show hidden files" selected. Can 
you delete this file? (the usual way that you delete files) This is 
investigating "b" above, because the path where it is found will show 
you the directory it is in and if you can delete it you have permission 
there. If you can't find it in any of your data directories, log in as 
administrator and try again. That could be useful information if you 
can't remember for "c" above.


PS remember, when I say "directory" it means what you probably think of 
as "file folder"

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