GnuCash Not Happy With External File Renaming

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Mon May 2 13:25:39 EDT 2016

On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Ron Westfall <westfall at> wrote:

> On 2016-05-01 7:07 PM, Mike or Penny Novack wrote:
>> Well I can tell you how I would handle this problem (the risk of being in
>> the wrong set of books).
>> For me that would be the USUAL situation since I am keeping books for
>> more than one entity and there is no good reason to suppose that the set of
>> books I want to open now is the same as the last I had open. In fact, more
>> likely than not, it wouldn't be. So I simply don't use the feature "come up
>> with the last one open". In other words, I use gnucash "no file" and so
>> always get to (have to) explicitly tell gnucash which file I want to open.
>> Remember, gnucash will present you with a list of the last four, so
>> unless you are keeping more than four it's just a matter of selecting from
>> that menu.
>> Look up how to supply the "no file" run time parameter.
>> Michael D Novack
> Hmm.  I experimented with the --nofile suggestion by opening GnuCash from
> the command line using the command:
> open -a Gnucash --args --nofile
> I figured that if it works I can always package the command into something
> clickable later.  Sure enough, the command opens GnuCash without
> automatically opening the last opened file.
> Unfortunately, it does open an empty GnuCash file that has to be manually
> disposed of.  While safer than the previous problem of keeping track of the
> correct files, it is not a perfect solution.
> Taking this one step further, I created a new GnuCash file test.gnucash.
> I then used the following command to open it:
> open -a Gnucash --args /path/to/test.gnucash
> This worked nicely.  GnuCash opened with test.gnucash even though it had
> never dealt with test.gnucash previously.  By explicitly naming the GnuCash
> file, the original bug is sidestepped.  Now I just have to make the command
> clickable ...
You might try creating a (bash?) script containing your gnucash launch
commands (being sure to use the full path names because the script won't be
running in the same directory as your app). Name it with the extension
".command" and make it executable. (I don't know whether you can suppress
the opening of the Terminal window without using a separate utility, but
maybe there's a way you can close the window from the script somehow.)

I don't have my Mac up and running today, but maybe that and a few Internet
searches can get you there. If you find a solution that doesn't require a
third party utility, maybe you could add the instructions to the Gnucash

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