python: Session from mysql save as xml?

Mike Evans mikee at
Tue May 10 07:54:45 EDT 2016

On Mon, 9 May 2016 16:17:55 -0700 (PDT)
stoughto <chris.stoughton at> wrote:

> I would like to run a script to backup a a gnucash book, using python:
> from gnucash import *
> session = Session("mysql://username:password@localhost/gnucash")
> saveFileName = "backup-12345.xml"
> session.saveAs(saveFileName)
> The method I am missing is "Session.saveAs(fileName)"
> Does such a thing exist, or if not, can someone suggest how to implement
> such a thing?
> This does not have to be a method of the class Session.  Filling in the
> details of this function def would work just as well:
> def saveSessionToFile(session, fileName):
>     # open the xml file
>     # write the session to it
>     # close whatever needs to be closed
>     return
> Thank you

Why do it that way? If you just want to backup your file do:

from shutil import copyfile

copyfile(src, dst)

Mike E

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