Employee Voucher - Tax Table Issue

Mike or Penny Novack mpnovack at mtdata.com
Thu May 19 14:47:27 EDT 2016

On 5/19/2016 12:23 PM, nssimpson wrote:
> It looks like this is a bug and was reported almost 2 years ago:
> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=736352
> Oh dear, doubt it'll be fixed.
Misunderstanding? (about "bug reports")

I am NOT expressing an opinion as to whether this is or is not a bug, 
just making a more general comment to point out that a bug report 
submitted (by a user) does NOT mean that there is a bug, nor does a bug 
report standing open a long time mean that, or if it does happen to be a 
bug, that it isn't being worked on.

Look, I used to do this for a living (fix bugs). There is a PROCESS 
necessary when a user reports that something doesn't work. The FIRST 
thing the bug fixer will try to do is reproduce the bug (try it 
themselves). But sometimes they DON'T get that error. Could be for any 
of a number of reasons. For example, since they might be much more 
familiar with the program, might have included a step obvious to them 
but that a beginning user might have done wrong.

Step 2 in that situation might be to try to open communications with the 
complaining user. But often a user say "just fix it" and is not willing 
to invest "user time". So in that case a bug fixer might well lay it 
aside until another user complains. Maybe THAT user will cooperate with 
the process. Because you have to understand, if something doesn't work 
for you but works for other people (including me) then I can't fix your 
problem without a lot of back and forth communication. Can't "guess" 
what you might be leaving out or otherwise doing differently from 
everybody else. OR, just maybe it IS a real bug. But I've got to see it 
go bad in order to do any fixing.

Michael D Novack

PS: Perhaps different with gnucash, but in my professional experience 
more than half of "bug reports" don't turn out to be bugs, and far more 
than  half if we exclude documentation that isn't idiot proof enough << 
I consider badly worded instructions to be a sort of bug >>

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