GNUcash and Owncloud

Mark Phillips mark at
Thu May 26 19:19:03 EDT 2016


I have not used Owncloud for this application. However, many people on the
list have used Dropbox or Drive to put Gnucash in the cloud.

A critical caveat - Gnucash is not a multiuser application. When Gnucash
starts it loads the entire database into memory, you make changes, and it
only writes changes back to a file when the program is closed. If both of
you open Gnucash and make some edits, then save back to the cloud, there is
no guarantee what will happen. Best case scenario, the last one to save
will win, which means if you are the last one to save to Owncloud, then all
you partner's edits will be lost. Worst case scenario, the file will become
corrupted and you will both loose all your edits.

Caveat Emptor.....


On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 8:04 AM, Cody Hofstetter <
codyhofstettermailinglistemail at> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I've just set up an Owncloud instance with collaborative document editing
> and am looking to share a set of books between my business partner and I.
> It's a small business and only the two of us have access to the server.
> I'm wondering if anyone has any experience using Owncloud/GNUCash together
> and has recommendations for ease of use, best practices they've found, and
> any other relevant info?
> Thanks!
> --
> *Thanks,*
> *Cody Hofstetter*
> *CodyHofstetterMailingListEmail at
> <CodyHofstetterMailingListEmail at>*
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