Advanced portfolio

Mike Alexander mta at
Sun May 29 17:55:25 EDT 2016

> On May 29, 2016, at 1:29 AM, Roy Hammerstrøm <roy.hammerstrom at> wrote:
> I just wonder if anyone can give me a little hand.
> When I look at the reports for the value of my stocks in Gnucash in the
> advanced portfolio report, the value is totally wrong, even though the
> stock price is updated with today's price and the buying pris is right. As
> far as I can se, the exchange rate, stock price etc is all up to date, but
> it seems that Gnucash dosn't calculate the correct value for the shares.
> Any idea where I can seek help or what I can do to get i fixed?

What do you have for the price source in the report options?  Have you tried turning on the option that shows the price used for each stock?   Perhaps that could help you figure out where the price comes from.


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