CSV import question

David Solet dsolet at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 16:50:02 EDT 2016

Thanks for the response and advice. I look forward to that development and
also understand available time limitations. Ubuntu is my OS and so far I
have not turned up a csv-to-qif or -qfx converter for that. There are some
in Windows I can probably use Wine for but thought I would ask if anyone
knows of one to avoid that complication.


On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 1:29 PM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be>

> Yes, the c++ version can certainly be extended to support more complex
> transactions. If time permits I intend to improve this part some more.
> Regards,
> Geert
> John Ralls <jralls at ceridwen.us> schreef op 23 september 2016 21:33:21
>>  On Sep 23, 2016, at 7:31 PM, David Solet <dsolet at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  As a small non-profit, we are working with an internet business to process
>>>  our credit card transactions. With this processor, you can export activity
>>>  from your account in csv or iif format. Since Gnucash doesn't recognize iif
>>>  format, I was able to import the csv transactions file. Each transaction in
>>>  the csv file has a field for the payment and the processing fee. When I
>>>  defined the payment as Deposit and the fee as Withdrawal, Gnucash
>>>  automatically subtracted the fee from the payment for the Total Deposit in
>>>  each transaction. However, I need to keep track of the payment and fee
>>>  amounts separately and charge them to different accounts. When we were
>>>  using another credit card processor that let you
>>>   export
>>> in QIF, I was able
>>>  to import that detail for each transaction. I realize I can do two imports,
>>>  one with the payment and the other with the fee, but was hoping to keep
>>>  both charges associated with one transaction. Is there any way I can get
>>>  gnucash to do that with a csv import? Thanks for any advice.
>> David,
>> Unfortunately the CSV importer is able to handle only simple, meaning two split, transactions. Geert's been working on rewriting it in C++ and based on my review of his work there earlier this week it seems feasible to expand that to more complex transactions at some point. Unfortunately we're severely limited by available developer time and I can't say whether that support will happen in time for 2.8 or even 2.10.
>> There's a possible work-around, though: If you Google for "csv to qif" you'll get plenty of possible scripts to try out. I imagine you'll find at least one that converts your complex CSV into a
>> comparable QIF or OFX that GnuCash can use to import complex transactions.
>> Regards,
>> John Ralls
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> Sent from my smartphone. Please excuse my brevity.

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