CSV Import

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Sat Apr 1 04:55:24 EDT 2017

On vrijdag 31 maart 2017 22:24:20 CEST Steve Isenberg wrote:
> If the current CSV import has a simple use case then why does it always
> error and never import? The error screen is no help whatsoever in
> determining the error.
> I created a CSV with columns as displayed on the transaction input screen.
> Does not work. I stripped the CSV down to the columns described below. Does
> not work. What columns are supposed to be in the CSV file?
> What are the formats of each column?
> This is an example of the data based on the columns mentioned below:
> Date,Description,Income
> 1/1/2017,Garri Ann Hearn,18
> 1/1/2017,Garri Ann Hearn,11
> 1/1/2017,Pamela Healy,18
> 1/3/2017,Robert Marten,100
> 1/4/2017,john landi,7
> The CSV import fails consistently without any real clue as to the problem.
> How is this data supposed to be formatted? Searching the archives is not
> helpful. There are too many unrelated results in the archive. This is a
> straight-forward problem and if the CSV is simple then it should not be
> difficult to figure this out. Appreciate the help.Steve

Hi Steve,

I have just tried your sample data and got to the last page of the importer 
with no issues (the page where you can assign accounts to each of the 
transactions). My first attempt failed because I didn't select the proper date 
format. Setting it to "d-m-y" got me through with no problems.

At which point does it fail for you and how ?



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