Importing bank transactions, gnuCash 2.6

dave boland dboland9 at
Wed Apr 19 21:25:04 EDT 2017

I need a plan to import about a year's worth of bank transactions into
gnuCash.  The user's bank can do many different file formats, so the
first question is which one is best?  Keep in mind that the data is

Transaction  Transaction  Check   
Date         Type*        No.    Description**  Credit  Debit  Balance
-----------  -----------  ------ -------------  -----  ------- -------

* Deposit, Withdrawal, Check, Purchase, Fee
** Only for purchases using the bank card, or ATM address

There is no receiving account (Expenses:Grocery for example).

What is the procedure to import the transactions?  I get that
File/Import is used, but I'm more interested in how the transactions are
matched to the receiving account.  Will this also 'R' the transaction?

I went through Help, but found nothing (Hint Hint).  Googling didn't get
me the help I want either.

  dave boland
  dboland9 at

-- - Or how I learned to stop worrying and
                          love email again

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