Falure to open gnucash

Jerome Kremen jerry.kremen at engopt.com
Tue Dec 19 12:20:09 EST 2017

Dear Members
I tried to access my gnucash accounts yesterday and got the cryptic error message gnucash failed to open because of a problem.
I am using the Mac operating system which I recently upgraded to High Sierra 10.13.2.  Can that be the cause of my failure to open Gnucash?
I then downloaded the latest version of gnucash but did not install it because I didn’t know whether the new installation would wipe out my company books.
Is it safe to install a new version?  Will it preserve my accounts?
Your help would be much appreciated.  Since I am not sure how to navigate the mailing lists and would not know where to find a reply, please reply to jerry.kremen at engopt.com.
Best wishes,
Jerry kremen

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